4.1 Add new Company

Company is the first thing you must create. All your projects related to your specific company are stored and can be accessed from here.

Generally, when you create an account in Onethread, you create a company or join a company at that time. It's in the SignUp section. Yet, sometimes you may need to create another company.

To Create a Company,

Steps to Use:

  • Go to the far left column and click + Add New Company or the Create + button at the top right corner of the page.

  • You will find a box written + Add New Company.”

  • Click it. A box will pop up.

  • You have to provide your Company Name. This is mandatory.

  • You can provide a valid email address and the Address of your Company.

  • After giving all the necessary information, click the Create Company button.

Important Notes:

  • You can enter the Company Dashboard after creating your company.

  • You can manage settings, add colleagues, and create projects, tasks, and reports from here.


  • Centralized management: All of your projects and teams can be managed in one place, making it easier to monitor progress, allocate resources, and ensure everyone is on the same page.

  • Improved collaboration: Onethread enables teams to work together in real-time, with the ability to assign tasks, share files, and communicate in a centralized location.

  • Efficient project management: Onethread provides a simple and intuitive interface for managing projects, with the ability to view project progress, track deadlines, and ensure projects are completed on time.

Last updated