5.9.2 Update Feature Access Permission for Roles

This feature in Onethread Project Management software allows project managers and administrators to modify the access permissions for each role within a project. This feature helps ensure that team members only have access to the project features and information relevant to their role.

With this feature, project managers can easily update the permission settings for each role, including adding or removing access to specific features and information. For example, a project manager can restrict access to sensitive project information for team members who do not require that information to complete their tasks.

Pre-conditions to use the Feature:

  • Users must have an account in Onethread.

  • Users must be a part of a company.

  • Users must be added to a project.

  • Users must be Project Admin/Project Moderator to update feature access permission for existing roles

Steps to Use:

  • Next, from the Functionality Column list, select the features you want to give or restrict permissions to.

Last updated