5.3 Project Action Buttons

The "Project Action Buttons" in the Onethread provide users with actions that can be performed on a project. From the Project section, some action buttons activate when you select and tick a project from the list view.

Each button has a specific purpose and provides users with the necessary tools to manage their projects effectively and efficiently. The feature helps users easily manage their projects by providing quick access to commonly used actions.


  • Improved project management: The feature provides users with a set of actions they can perform on a project, making it easier to manage projects effectively and efficiently.

  • Quick access to commonly used actions: The buttons provide users with quick access to commonly used actions, such as editing, archiving, deleting, and cloning a project.

  • Streamlined workflow: The feature helps to streamline the project management workflow by providing a central location for accessing the necessary tools and actions.

  • Better organization: The feature helps users stay organized by providing them with the necessary tools to manage their projects more efficiently.

  • Increased productivity: By making it easier to manage projects, the "Project Action Buttons" feature helps users to be more productive and get more done in less time.

The Action buttons are:

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