5.3.5 Delete a Project
The "Delete Project" feature allows users to remove a project from the software permanently. This feature provides users with a convenient way to declutter their project list and eliminate unnecessary or outdated projects.
Pre-conditions to use the Feature:
Users must have an account in Onethread.
Users must be a part of a company.
Users must be Super Admins/Admins to use this feature.
Steps to Use:
Select a project from the Active Projects list of your company.
Tick it. The Delete button will get activated.
Click the button. A modal will open.
It will warn you about losing everything in the project.
Press Yes.
Important Notes:
Deleting a project will delete every task, subtask, sprint, wiki, and discussion room within it. This action is irreversible, meaning once you delete a project, you will lose everything related to that project. So, take your action cautiously.
Last updated