Board View Action Buttons

It has some action buttons which activate when you click the 3 dots of a task. Through these action buttons, you can

  • Add a task to a sprint: Tick any task from the list view and press this button to add it to a created sprint.

  • Mark the task as completed: Select any task and click it. Your task will be marked as completed.

  • Reopen a completed task: Select any marked as completed task and click it to reopen it.

  • Move a task to another project: Select any task and click it to move it to another project.

  • Edit task information: Select any task and click it. A task modal will open. Update the information and save it.

  • Track the time of a task: Select any task and click it. The time tracking for that task will start.

  • Delete a task: Select any task and click it. Press Yes to delete the task.

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